Jade & Scott Travel Diary

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Anzac Day Celebrations

Good Evening (or Day depending on when you are reading this!!) Well not long till we go now...Our last day of work is the 26th May YEAH!!! Counting down hehe ;-)

I hope you all enjoyed celebrations on Anzac Day. My family gathered at my parents house for a nice bbq lunch and it will be the last time I will see most of them until we get back in August! So was great to catch up with everyone. Check out the photos - especially the ones of my cousins cute little kids - you have to admit - we are a damn good looking family haha ;-) Good luck to Sharon as she is due with #3 on the 24th July so look forward to seeing them all in August!!

Well everyone - back to work tomorrow - how depressing but for us - its only just over 4 weeks to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Speak to you later!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Not long now!

Just counted the dates and Scott and I have 37 days at our work desks to go before we pack up and get organised to go away! Means my birthday is coming up soon too hehe :-) Bought my backpack last weekend which is awesome - love it so just need to get used to carrying a heavy load on my back now!! Ive worked out my clothes to take now so in a couple of weeks ill start packing and unpacking and wearing the pack on weekends! Look like a dork but at least Ill be prepared haha!

Dave & Gore are going well - if you want to look at there adventures go to http://www.myspace.com/pandafiles. They are having a fab time in Thailand by the sounds of it and have heard that Phil H is having a ball in Canada as well so looking forward to seeing them again in July!!

Also - some news - Congrats to Megan & Mike for the little bundle that will be delivered around late September...so much happening in 2006 to all of us so Bring it on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!