Jade & Scott Travel Diary

Monday, July 24, 2006

Last Day in Amsterdam!

Morning all :-) Well the last few days have been good fun and pretty busy. There is something for everyone here..from museums, women, beer and drugs! Whatever tickles ya fancy!
When I last wrote the blog we headed to Heineken which was a pretty interactive place and we spent a few hours there which was cool. And we decided to go to the Van Gogh Museum which was down the road...while walking there we got stuck in a freak storm and one minute sunshine, then cloud then it just started pouring and huge thunder and lighting cracking right above us! So we ran for shelter and after about 30 or so minutes it calmed down and we ran to the tram and headed back to safety in the hostel till it wenT! Apparently the guy from the hostel said he has never seen anything like that before! So that night we just chilled in the area and the boys kept drinking as they do best...
Yesterday we headed to Anne Frank's house and after just over an hour of lining up - it was worth the wait. I have read the book since Ive been away and so meant a little more to me than the others who had never heard of her before but was great to see where it all happened and also quite emotional watching videos of her friends and helpers as to what occurred during those times. After this we went to Van Gogh Museum which was pretty cool. They let you so close to the paintings which is unusual but good to see the detail of his paintings. After this we headed back to the hostel and chilled for a bit before heading out for a big one to celebrate Daves Birthday (His b'day isnt for another week but since we were all together decided to pretend it was last night!) So we went to a few pubs and in typical Amsterdam style we had a good laugh in a sex show! Wasnt quite as good as the one we went to on Contiki which was hilarious but was still amusing! So while I dont drink and Scott doesnt get a hangover..we are up and about while the others are still passed out in bed at 11am haha ;-)
Well that is an essay for you - we are off to do some last minute shopping and maybe have lunch in the park here today so just a chilled one before we head to the lovely Paris for some quiet times together after 9 weeks of travelling with other people!
PS - still struggling to find a place that will let us connect up our camera to download photos which is a bummer as we have some great shots with all of us in them for you to see! Hopefully we can get some up before we come home!!!!