Jade & Scott Travel Diary

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

November 2006

HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well it has now been 3 months since we got back to reality and I have quit one job and started another where I have been now for 2 months and thats about as exciting as it gets - how sad huh!! Scott and I went up to the gores shack at Marion Bay on the weekend with his sister Sarah and her hubby Steve so thought I would put some photos up of that as the beaches there are amazing :-)

Not much else to report on the SA front - life is just plodding along as it did before the big holiday and we are just trying to pay off as much of our debts as we can to afford Christmas and then save for a new house...fun fun fun! Oh and we are so desperate to get a puppy that this is motivation for us to save! haha!

I have decided to update this website as much as we can - when something fun happens anyway! We are off to the Langhorne Creek Racing Carnival on Sunday with the Ball family so hope to get some good shots there to show you all!

Speak soon
Jade xox